PLQ2G allows users to choose whatever label they wish. There are several areas to modify specifically for the user. "Text to Speak" is where the user types out exactly what is needed to be said. The "label" is what is shown on the icon itself. The text to speak and the label do not have to be the same! I like to keep the word that appear on the icon to a minimum so the picture is nice and large for the user.
There is a large number of symbols available. If a user wants a picture of a teacher, there are many. Or users can choose any symbol. The word is not exclusive to the picture when setting the icon.
There are two types of file on PLQ2G-- "Folder" and "Button" (highlighted in green in the info-graphic above). Folders have a little tab at the top, like a file folder. Buttons are flat rectangles. Folders store multiple buttons. You can choose to have the PL2G vocalize the folder. I don't have my students verbalize folder names because I think it confuses the message. However, it may help high functioning users because they can hear the path to get to the desired icons.
When needed, there is a keyboard option to type in words. This is a nice option, but i strongly suggest adding the word as a button. If its important enough to say, its important enough to add into the program.
To add a button or folder, touch the pencil on the bottom navigation bar. Click if the user would like to "add a button" or "add a folder". The set up of buttons and folders are very user friendly!
All settings are interchangeable and able to be manipulative, but I would keep default on button properties. This program is advancing communications in my students and I hope it helps your user as well!
Look for an advanced look at PLQ2G next month!
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